
An LGBTQ Science Fiction & Fantasy podcast

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Episode #53 – The Questing Beast by Amy Griswold

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Episode 53 is part of the Autumn 2017/Winter 2018 issue!

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The Questing Beast

Amy Griswold




The first time Sir Palamedes is tempted to give up pursuing the Questing Beast, he is tramping through the woods on a bleak winter day, his frosty breath hanging in a white cloud each time he exhales.  His feet are sore, and his shoes are worn thin.  His horse went lame a week ago, and is returning home in the uncertain care of Palamedes’ squire.  Palamedes is following the sound of distant barking, and is beginning to think the sound will drive him mad.

He is far off any beaten track, although he can see the prints of men and horses frozen into the icy turf.  They might have been following the Questing Beast themselves, overcome with wonder at a sight that Palamedes is beginning to find commonplace.  Or they might have been about some other errand entirely.  They might even now be sipping mulled wine by a warm fire at home, rather than tramping through the woods after an abominable beast.


[Full transcript after the cut.]

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Episode #52 — Three Very Short Reprints

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Episode 52 is part of the Autumn 2017/Winter 2018 issue!

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by Jennifer Lee Rossman



I have ridden dinosaurs. Big, bitey ones. I’ve traveled on the Hindenburg, fought alongside Joan of Arc, punched Jack the Ripper right in the face.

The point I’m trying to make is being a time traveler puts you in some scary situations, but this is easily the most terrifying.

Asking out a pretty girl.

(Insert shriek of terror here.)

I’ve been putting it off, shoving it to that dusty place in the back of my mind where I keep things I’m afraid of—like the fact that house centipedes exist—but it has to be now, before she goes back home.

I take a deep breath, my heart beating like a drum roll, and step into the lab.

And there’s Ada, Countess of Lovelace, daughter of Lord Byron, world’s first computer programmer, and unquestionably 1840’s sexiest woman alive.


[Full transcript after the cut.]

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